Return Policy

Return Policy

At Hglittle Art, we deeply value each of our customers and work tirelessly to ensure that you have a positive shopping experience. We partner with trusted third-party vendors to provide you with high-quality prints and timely shipping. However, it's essential to note our return policy to maintain clarity and transparency.

No Returns Accepted

Due to the nature of our operations and our commitment to ensuring that each product is tailor-made to your requirements, we do not accept returns. Each order is custom printed and shipped to ensure the utmost quality and personalization.

Damaged or Manufacturing Error

We understand that sometimes unexpected issues may arise. If you receive a product that is damaged or has a manufacturing error, please rest assured that we are committed to making it right. We will either replace the product or provide a full refund, as per your preference.

Procedure for Reporting Damaged or Faulty Products

  1. Time Frame: Contact us within 14 days of receiving your product.
  2. Contact Method: Reach out to our support team at with the subject "Product Issue - [Your Order Number]".
  3. Provide Details: Please include clear photos of the damaged or faulty product, along with a brief description of the issue. This will help us in expediting the process and ensuring you get a resolution swiftly.
  4. Resolution: After reviewing the evidence and confirming the issue, we will proceed with either replacing the product or issuing a refund.

We thank you for your understanding and patience. Our primary goal is your satisfaction, and we are always here to assist you.